The BSNR Educational Programme starts next week, with two modules – Trauma and Stroke – planned before Christmas.
See the main page here for details and how to register.
Upcoming Sessions
25 June 2020 (Last updated: 27 Jul 2020 22:06)
Upcoming online teaching sessions and grand rounds:
Wednesday 29th July
13:00-14:00 (BST) BSNR Fellows Grand Round
Dr Priya Bhatnagar, Newcastle
BSNR Online Trainee Teaching
Organised by the Training and Education Subcommittee of the BSNR.
We recognise that during the Covid pandemic, training in radiology has been compromised. We have attempted to bridge this gap and help provide an alternative to the Trainee Symposia which have been cancelled in June and September.
Below are sessions particularly aimed at your level of training. Please email to join the neuroradiology trainee mailing list to be informed of joining details.
We have divided them into:
These can accommodate larger audiences and will help consolidate and develop your knowledge in particular subject areas. Whilst we acknowledge that it is difficult to create an interactive experience, there will be opportunity to ask questions and create discussion.
Case-Based Workshop
Ideally, these replicate the workshops form the symposia and will allow the Tutor to share cases from their collection on a particular topic. We hope that we will develop the sessions to allows screen sharing, creating a more interactive experience.
BSNR Fellows Grand Round
These sessions will be facilitated by a Consultant but essentially run by the trainees. We are hoping to take these around the UK, allowing trainees to show their interesting cases. If possible, we would like to combine this with a BSNR case of the week via the usual social media channels.
Although there is no replacement for the networking opportunities at the BSNR ASM and Training Symposia, we would encourage you all to attend these sessions regularly as we are sure new ideas will evolve.
We also encourage you to attend the regular ESNR and ASPNR/ISNTN lectures that have been providing fantastic content for the past few weeks.
Friday 15th May
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Paediatric Brain Tumours.
Dr Ian Craven, Leeds TH NHS Trust
Monday 18th May
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Role of MRI in spinal trauma, how and what to report
Dr Stuart Currie, Leeds TH NHS Trust
Friday 29th May
08.00-09.00 (BST) Tutorial
Paediatric stroke
Dr Ian Craven, Leeds TH NHS Trust
Monday 1st June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Multiple Sclerosis and neuroinflammatory disorders
Dr Tom Campion, Barts Health NHS Trust
Tuesday 2nd June
Differential diagnosis of white and black dots on brain MRI
All trainees welcome
Dr Stuart Currie, Leeds TH NHS Trust
Friday 5th June
08.00-09.00 (BST) Tutorial
Inflammation of the spinal cord
Dr Ian Craven, Leeds TH NHS Trust
Monday 8th June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Vascular imaging and perfusion in stroke
Dr David Doig, UCLH, London
Wednesday 10th June
13:00-14:00 (BST) BSNR Fellows Grand Round
Dr Lalani Carlton Jones, Guys and St Thomas’ and Kings College NHS FT, London
Friday 12th June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Case-Based Workshop
Case discussion on paediatric and young adult stroke
Dr David Doig, UCLH, London
Monday 15th June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Imaging in adult oncology
Dr Sam Mills, The Walton, Liverpool
Tuesday 16th June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Neuroimaging in the unconscious patient
Dr Rekha Siripurapu, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust,
Friday 19th June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Introduction to vascular lesions in the spine
Dr David Minks, RVI, Newcastle
Monday 22nd June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Spinal tumours
Dr Tilak Das, Addenbrookes, Cambridge
Friday 26th June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Practical approach to dementia reporting
Dr Dan Scoffings, Addenbrookes, Cambridge
Monday 29th June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Neurovascular cases – diagnostic imaging and an approach to decision making
Dr Rob Lenthall. Nottingham University NHS Trust
Tuesday 30th June
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Infections in the immunocompetent
Dr Rekha Siripurapu, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust,
Wednesday 1st July
12:30-13:30 (BST) BSNR Fellows Grand Round
Dr Dan Scoffings, Addenbrookes, Cambridge
Friday 3rd July
08.00-09.00 (BST) Tutorial
Paediatric stroke 2
Dr Ian Craven, Leeds TH NHS Trust
Wednesday 8th July
12:30-13:30 (BST) BSNR Fellows Grand Round
Dr Sam Mills, The Walton Centre, Liverpool
Monday 13th July
08:00-09:00 (BST) Tutorial
Imaging in Paediatric Epilepsy
Dr Felice D’Arco, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
Wednesday 15th July
12:30-13:30 (BST) BSNR Fellows Grand Round
Dr Tony Goddard, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
Friday 17th July
08.00-09.00 (BST) Tutorial
Functional Neuroanatomy
Dr Ayisha Al Busaidi, Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London
Monday 20th July
08.00-09.00 (BST) Tutorial
Temporal Bone Imaging
Dr Sachin Mathur, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Wednesday 22nd July
12:30-13:30 (BST) BSNR Fellows Grand Round
Dr Fintan Sheerin, Oxford
Friday 24th July
08.00-09.00 (BST) Tutorial
Dr Lalani Carlton Jones, Guys and St Thomas’ and Kings College NHS FT, London
The Training and Education Subcommittee are collaborating with the Leeds Radiology Academy to provide neuroradiology teaching sessions to trainees across the country.
Please email to join the mailing list for joining details.
Our thanks to Dr Ian Craven, our TESC lead, for his work in leading this initiative.
BSNR Academic subcommittee Trainee Representative
Applications are invited for a neuroradiology trainee to join the BSNR Academic subcommittee. The role would be of particular interest for an individual hoping to pursue an academic career.
Please encourage anyone interested to contact the BSNR Academic subcommittee chair for further details, currently Professor Adam Waldman: by email.
November Journal Round-Up
Welcome to the November journal round-up! This month we are lucky to have Jonathon Buwanabala, an interventional neuroradiology trainee in Cambridge, writing for us on his most important articles in intervention.
New frontier: A distal thrombectomy option
The current evidence for thrombectomy devices is limited to LVO in proximal anterior circulation stroke. Pushing standard thrombectomy devices deeper into the cerebral tree has a potential for complications. Crockett et al. in JNIS have published an interesting interventional option around this challenge with the use of microcatheters and a ‘micro-ADAPT’ technique to treat distal vessel occlusions. In this early review the recanalisation rate was 79% and most of these cases were upgraded to a higher TICI grade. This pathology is often seen in tandem with a large vessel occlusion or as a secondary embolism after treatment of a proximal occlusion.
Novel treatment – Embolisation in chronic subdural haemorrhage
Link et al. in Neurosurgery discuss a novel technique of managing chronic subdural hematoma with middle meningeal artery embolisation. Benefit was seen in a mixture of patient groups and with these promising initial results a larger trial has been suggested. A further benefit of this treatment method is that the interventionalist can look for an anomalous ophthalmic artery from the MMA prior to treatment. Would your centre engage in recruitment for a larger trial?
Why do low TICIs happen?
TICI (Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction score) 3 is always the goal in endovascular treatment of stroke, however, we often find ourselves with faced with less satisfactory angiographic results. Leischner et al. in JNIShave published an article analysing cases with lower TICI grades. They establish the main causes as broadly fitting into 1) failing to reach the thrombus, 2) reached but impassable thrombus and 3) incomplete recanalisation despite device deployment. Additionally, there is discussion around what strategies might facilitate a higher recanalisation rate such as, direct carotid artery puncture in cases of tortuous carotid anatomy and stenting and/or Intra-arterial infusions enface with the clot in irretrievable cases.
Case of the month
The global #Neurorad Twittersphere has a thriving online presence, which serves as a portal for collaboration with a strong focus on education and training. Stemming from this are a subset of neurointerventionalists who are sharing their cases on Twitter with some very interesting discussions being had about differences in local practices/patient selection, equipment choice and procedural planning amongst other things. Naturally being evidence-based practitioners a paper was published by Dmytriw et al. in JNIS. clarifying that cases published on Twitter don’t reflect the day to day complication rates seen in interventional neuroradiology; however, they can be very useful educational resources. A good example is the case below.
Case courtesy of Dr Stanimir Sirakov, St Ivan Rilski University Hospital, Bulgaria:
Why not tweet your cases using the hashtag #INRCOTM so that they are all searchable to other INR trainees? We will select the most interesting one as our interventional case of the month in the next blog.
Professor Ian Isherwood
Pump Priming Grant 2018
The British Society of Neuroradiologists is pleased to announce the call for the 2017 Professor Ian Isherwood Pump Priming Grant.
Aims: The aim of the grant is to provide funding for a junior trainee or early years consultant to undertake an early phase, proof-of-concept study; typically, with a view to a subsequent substantive grant application. The research should relate specifically to a branch of neuroradiology.
Eligibility: Trainee applicants are encouraged, but must be supervised by a BSNR member in good standing. In addition, members of the BSNR in good standing holding appointments of any grade (but usually within 5 years of their first consultant level appointment) are encouraged to apply. Funding will be to support new work. Retrospective funding of completed work will not be considered.
Funding: A maximum of £10,000 will be awarded to any individual project.
Form of Application and expectations:
Applications should comprise:
- Summary of the proposed project. Four page (A4); to include background, methods, outcome objectives, timelines and a description of what the grant support will specifically fund.
- Current CV
- Letter(s) of support from the research supervisor(s)
Recipients will be expected to present the results of their research project at the BSNR annual meeting in 2019, and provide a final written report to the Academic Subcommittee.
Method of Assessment: Proposals will be assessed by a panel nominated by the BSNR Academic Subcommittee.
The closing date for applications for the 2018 award is 27th April 2018
Interviews for shortlisted applicants will be held at RCR in London on 7th June 2018
Applicants will be notified of the outcome by July 2018
Further enquires and applications should be made to by email to the Chair of the Academic Subcommittee, Professor Adam Waldman:
Applications must be received by 5pm on the closing date.
Interventional Neuroradiology Training Post at the Walton Centre
A 3-year Interventional Neuroradiology Training Post at the Walton Centre is to be advertised soon.
Please contact Maneesh Bhojak for further clarification or interest.
BSNR/UKNG/RCR/BSIR collaboration release guidance for thrombectomy training and standards
Press Release:
The British Society of Neuroradiologists (BSNR) has produced Training Guidance for Mechanical Thrombectomy (Lenthall, R. et al. Clinical Radiology, Volume 72 , Issue 2 , 175.e11 – 175.e18) which details the training that will be required for practitioners from different clinical backgrounds to achieve the necessary skills and experience to effectively contribute to the acute stroke service. This guidance will underpin all routes to increasing the workforce.
The Supplementary Guidance to Facilitate the Training of Interventional Radiology Consultants to Undertake Stroke Thrombectomy has been produced by The Royal College of Radiologists, the British Society of Interventional Radiology, the British Society of Neuroradiologists and the UK Neurointerventional Group.
This BSNR/UKNG/RCR/BSIR collaboration released this guidance to help hospitals train more doctors in emergency mechanical thrombectomy for acute stroke.
For the Royal College of Radiologists press release, please visit
BSNR members can access eBrain site
Please see the attached letter from JNC Societies regarding access to the eBrain site.
All BSNR members are able to access the eBrain site for free.
Ebrain is a very large online e-learning environment owned jointly by the UK clinical neuroscience specialty associations including the BSNR. Features include:
- CPD points – you can claim up to 9 external points per year
- 650+ interactive elearning sessions covering all the clinical neurosciences
- Question bank of MCQ questions with over 2500 MCQs
- Virtual patients which you can both manage and mismanage quite safely!
- Webinars
- Mock examinations although currently only in Neurosurgery