About us

About us

BSNR aims

To promote high standards in the clinical practice of the diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology throughout the UK.

To promote the place of neuroradiology as a core discipline of the clinical neurosciences.

To advise and collaborate with regulatory and professional bodies regarding development of guidelines and standards for the practice of diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology. This includes standards for facilities, delivery of service and professional abilities.

To support the clinical practice and continuing professional development of UK neuroradiologists.

To ensure, in collaboration with the Royal College of Radiologists and the PMETB, that training and education of neuroradiologists are appropriate and of a high standard.


Executive Committee

Meet the current BSNR committee members here.

Executive Committee Members


Early in 1969, Dr E H Burrows of Southampton wrote to all British Consultant Neuroradiologists to suggest the formation of a “Visiting Neuroradiologists’ Club”.

He received so favourable a response that a meeting was arranged at the National Hospital, Queen Square, London, upon the invitation of Dr James Bull on Saturday March 22 1969. This meeting was attended by the 27 leading Neuroradiologists in the country who indicated their preference for a Society rather than a club and unanimously passed the motion of Drs Burrows and Sheldon “that a Neuroradiological Society be formed”.


Scientific Meeting

The society holds its Annual Scientific Meeting in October each year in a different medical centre in the UK and occasionally elsewhere in Europe. The Society has strong professional links with the Royal College of Radiologists. Links are also established with the European Society of Neuroradiology and the World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies. The society is also affiliated with the UK Stroke Forum.

Annual Meeting
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Contact Us


BSNR Address: The British Society of Neuroradiologists
Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW, UK.

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Thank you to everyone who joined us at BSNR 2024 in Bristol –…

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After a pilot earlier this year, the Academic Subcommittee is launc…