See for more details.
Application for 2020 Du Boulay Professorship
British Society of Neuroradiologists/Royal College of Radiologists Du Boulay Professorship
This visiting Professorship is jointly funded by the RCR and BSNR in memory of Professor George Du Boulay who was a pioneering academic neuroradiologist and a founding member of the Society
The visiting Professor will be expected to visit 6 radiology centres and training schemes across the UK, and deliver a minimum half-day educational programme at each. One lecture will be filmed either during a visit or separately and then be made available online. The purpose of the visits is to highlight the role of neuroradiology in the advancement of neuroimaging, promote neuroradiology and particularly academic neuroradiology careers, and provide expert neuroradiology teaching at the centres visited.
Up to £3,000 to cover expenses
The Professorship is open to neuroradiologists who are BSNR members and Fellows of the RCR in good standing, resident in the United Kingdom and in active clinical practice at the time of the application and tenure of the award.
To apply
Applicants should submit: a current curriculum vitae; a 200-400 word statement describing the reasons for applying, contribution to the role, and proposed educational programme and content for the Professorship. Joint applications from two individuals wishing to undertake the Professorship together over a period of two years will also be considered.
An Appointments Board comprising BSNR and RCR members will consider applications. In assessing applications, significant weighting will be given to the applicant’s plan for the programme.
The decision of the Appointments Board is final and binding, applicants will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible after the decision has been approved.
For informal enquiries and further details regarding the post, please contact BSNR Academic subcommittee chair, Professor A Waldman:
Applications should be sent to Sarah Coulson at the Royal College of Radiologists to arrive no later than 5pm on Friday 26th April 2019. Interviews will be held in London on Monday 17th June and the award will be announced within two weeks.
Tenure of the award will be one year (two years for a joint appointment), and will commence at the BSNR AGM during the annual meeting in Cardiff 9 – 11 October 2019.
British Society of Neuroradiologists (BSNR) Travelling Scholarship
British Society of Neuroradiologists (BSNR) Travelling Scholarship
The travelling scholarship aims to provide an opportunity for neuroradiologists in training or early consultant years to visit a centre in the UK or abroad, typically for a period of 2-6 weeks, to gain experience in an area of neuroradiology practice, techniques or exposure to expertise that would not be available at their own institution. The award is not intended to support attendance at meetings or training courses.
Up to £2000 to cover expenses
The Scholarship is open to neuroradiologists in training and/or no more than 2 years post CCT, who are BSNR members in good standing and resident in the United Kingdom at the time of the application and proposed Scholarship.
To apply
Applicants should submit:
A current curriculum vitae
200-400 word statement describing their reasons for wishing to undertake a period of training/study in the host centre.
Letters of support from a) the host centre and b) the applicants training scheme (if applicable).
A BSNR Appointments Board will consider applications, based on applicant’s track record and justification for visiting the host centre.
Applications must be submitted to BSNR Academic subcommittee chair, currently Professor A Waldman: by email before 5pm on 26th April 2019.
Applications will be considered at the BSNR Academic subcommittee and Executive meetings on 17th June 2019, and awards will be announced within two weeks. Scholarship visits must be completed before the BSNR annual meeting the year following the award, and recipients will be required to produce a 300 word written report on their visit.
Professor Ian Isherwood Pump Priming Grant 2019
Professor Ian Isherwood Pump Priming Grant 2019
The British Society of Neuroradiologists is pleased to announce the call for the 2019 Professor Ian Isherwood Pump Priming Grant.
Background: The award is dedicated in honour of Professor Ian Isherwood (1931-2018) and his pioneering work in neuroradiology.
Aims: The aim of the grant is to provide funding for a junior trainee or early years consultant to undertake an early phase, proof-of-concept study; typically, with a view to a subsequent substantive grant application. The research should relate specifically to a branch of neuroradiology.
Eligibility: Trainee applicants are encouraged, but must be supervised by a BSNR member in good standing. In addition, members of the BSNR in good standing holding appointments of any grade (but usually within 5 years of their first consultant level appointment) are encouraged to apply. Funding will be to support new work. Retrospective funding of completed work will not be considered.
Funding: A maximum of £10,000 will be awarded to any individual project.
Form of Application and expectations:
Applications should comprise:
Summary of the proposed project. Four page (A4); to include background, methods, outcome objectives, timelines and a description of what the grant support will specifically fund.
Current CV
Letter(s) of support from the research supervisor(s)
Recipients will be expected to present the results of their research project at the BSNR annual meeting in 2020, and provide a final written report to the Academic Subcommittee.
Method of Assessment: Proposals will be assessed by a panel nominated by the BSNR Academic Subcommittee.
The closing date for applications for the 2018 award is 26th April 2019
Interviews for shortlisted applicants will be held at RCR in London on 17th June 2019
Applicants will be notified of the outcome by July 2019
Further enquires and applications should be made to by email to the Chair of the Academic Subcommittee, currently Professor Adam Waldman:
Applications must be received by 5pm on the closing date.