Cover for 4th Canadian Diagnostic Neuroradiology Course

4th Canadian Diagnostic Neuroradiology Course

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 4th Canadian Neuroradiology Course we would like to cordially invite you to join our 3 Day Diagnostic Neuroradiology course that will be held fully virtual from Nov 12 to Nov 14, 2021.

The session topics will include Vascular, Infectious/Inflammatory Diseases, Head&Neck, Spine and Trauma diagnostic Neuroradiology and we have more than 40 lecturers from Canada and the UK. Our 4th Dan Andreae Lecturer will be Prof. Allan Fox, a true giant amongst Canadian Neuroradiologists.

Similar to previous years we will have in addition to frontal lectures also case-based interactive presentations and try to be as interactive as possible. All lectures will remain online for re-viewing for a total of 30 days for registered participants, thus even if you are in a different time zone or have conflicting commitments, you will be able to participate from the educational content at a later date.

While the lecture content is mainly geared towards Neuroradiology Fellows, we believe that community radiologists, junior staff, senior residents, and colleagues from Neurology, Neurosurgery or ENT will benefit from this course as well.

To register, please go to our Homepage where you can also see the invited lecturers and the entire program of the three day course.

We hope to see you virtually at our conference.

Matylda, Eugene and Timo