I am a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham and Honorary Consultant in Diagnostic Neuroradiology at Nottingham University Hospitals.
From 2014-2022, I was a Consultant Neuroradiologist and Clinical Lead for brain tumour imaging at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square. I hold an appointment as Honorary Associate Professor with the UCL Institute of Neurology.
My research interest is the clinical translation of emerging imaging techniques and analysis methods. This involves biomarker investigation in high-resolution anatomical MRI, diffusion, perfusion and metabolic techniques.
I am co-author of numerous publications, scientific papers and reference works, including the official textbook of the European Society of Neuroradiologists (ESNR). My roles include membership BSNR Academic Subcommittee, UCL Advanced Neuroimaging MSc/MRes committee, and Fellowship of the HEA.