Cover for Changing Minds: Exploring the impact of brain injury on mental health

Changing Minds: Exploring the impact of brain injury on mental health

Brain Injury Conference on Thursday 13 June, being held at East Sussex National Hotel in Uckfield is aimed at all professionals supporting people with brain injury through their treatment, recovery and rehabilitation. The ‘Changing Minds’ conference will, this year, address the complex subject of mental health after brain injury.


Speakers from across the UK will cover issues such as how to engage someone in rehabilitation, the correlation between brain injury & alcoholism, mindfulness & music therapy, as well as in-patient mental health programmes for individuals with a brain injury. A full list of speakers is available on the website –  and below.


This event has been certified by the CPD service.


Topics and speakers:

  • Featuring Chris Bryant MP – A look at the ‘Time for Change: Acquired Brain Injury and Neurorehabilitation’ report and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Acquired Brain Injury.
  • ‘Brain injury, alcohol & substance misuse’ – Dr Alyson Norman – The story of ‘Tom’, a man with a traumatic brain injury and a history of mental health problems, alcohol and substance misuse told from the unique perspective of a family member and a psychologist.
  • ‘Engaging the disengaged’ – Dr Mark Holloway – In this session we will identify barriers to engagement by both the injured party and family members, and suggest strategies and approaches that can support change.
  • ‘Music, mindfulness and brain injury rehabilitation’ – Professor Jonathan Evans – A review of a recent study into the use of mindful music listening to improve recovery of cognition and mood after stroke and how this could be applied to brain injury recovery.
  • ‘TBI in the older population’ – Dr Amanda Thompsell – A look at the prevalence of TBI in the older population, including the evidence on the link between brain injury and dementia. This session will highlight key points to consider when discussing rehabilitation in older people.
  • ‘In-patient mental health programmes’ – Dr Keith Jenkins – In this session, Dr Jenkins will discuss how neurobehavioural services, such as those at St Andrew’s Kemsley, support brain injury rehabilitation, how specialist services can be best used and the role of the Mental Capacity Act.

To speak to the events team with any questions, please email