BSNR Christmas lecture 2022
Thursday 15th December, 6pm
‘The mind’s ear: speech, music and the brain’
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dear friends and colleagues,
As the days get shorter and the mercury starts to drop, there must be one thing in everybody’s mind – Christmas is coming. I am therefore delighted to announce that this year
we have a BSNR Christmas lecture that is in tune with the mood of the festive season. The 2022 Christmas lecture will be delivered by Prof. Tim Griffiths, Professor of Cognitive
Neurology in Newcastle University and Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Fellow. He is a Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences and an Adjunct Chair in University of Iowa. Prof Griffiths
graduated from University of Oxford and from where he also holds a DM in Neurology. He is an international authority on auditory cognition including musical perception. He has made
many key contributions to both fundamental and applied neuroscience including identification of specific pitch and pitch-sequence systems in auditory cortex using functional imaging.
Prof Griffiths will talk about how the brain constructs a picture of the acoustic world to allow us to understand natural scenes containing speech and music. He will also consider
how this process might go wrong in brain disorders and be relevant to established links between hearing loss and dementia.
Therefore, please put this date in your diaries and join us online on Thursday 15th December at 6pm to enjoy this special BSNR event. You can register for the event here.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Dipayan Mitra
BSNR President
October 2022