After a pilot last year, the Academic Subcommittee has launched a new partnership with BIC-ISMRM to promote their MR Education series. The aim of the partnership is to:
(i) foster academic collaboration between BSNR members who have a research interest and clinical physicists at other centres;
(ii) share clinical expertise and knowledge within neuroimaging;
(ii) learn about the latest MR techniques being developed in UK.
BSNR Members can register here:
See the full timetable here: MRI_teaching_schedule_winter_2025_TalkSchedule (1).
Details available at NHS Jobs: Job Advert
Closing date 31/12/24.
Thank you to everyone who joined us at BSNR 2024 in Bristol – it was a fantastic trainee day and conference organised by an enthusiastic team from Bristol led by Dr Melissa Werndle and event organiser Louise Richards. There were numerous highlights in a packed and innovative programme, including the Brian Kendall lecture delivered by Professor Emmanuel Houdart from Paris, the James Bull lecture delivered by Professor Nick Fox from London, and a fascinating array of excellent guest speakers on topics from the rise of medical misinformation (Dr David Grimes) to equity in genomics (Professor Kathreena Kurian), as well as a charming after dinner talk from Dr Sian Williams. The programme is available to download here. Our thanks to Mel, Louise and all of the Bristol organising team.
We are pleased to announce the following prizes which were awarded at the conference:
Best Oral Presentation Award – Dr James Ruffle, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London
VASARI-auto: performant, equitable, efficient, economical, and survival-predictive featurization of glioma MRI
Best Poster Award – Dr Saad Moughal, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester
Cerebellar neonatal subpial haemorrhage – under recognised type
In addition, the following awards were made at the conference dinner:
BSNR Trainer of the Year – awarded jointly to Dr Tilak Das, Dr Daniel Scoffings, and Dr Josh Scott
President’s Medal – Dr Tilak Das and Dr Rob Dineen
The Academic Subcommittee also awarded the 2024 Undergraduate Essay Prize – you can find out more about the prize and read the winning essays here.
Winner – Mr Aparajith Sathish Kumar – University of Dundee, 3rd year
Runner Up – Miss Elizabeth Zachariah – University of Cambridge, 4th year
Our enormous congratulations to all those awarded!
We look forward to welcoming you to Manchester in 2025.
After a pilot earlier this year, the Academic Subcommittee is launching a new partnership with BIC-ISMRM to promote their MR Education series. The aim of the partnership is to:
(i) foster academic collaboration between BSNR members who have a research interest and clinical physicists at other centres;
(ii) share clinical expertise and knowledge within neuroimaging;
(ii) learn about the latest MR techniques being developed in UK.
BSNR Members can register here:
See the full timetable here: MRI_teaching_schedule_Autumn_2024_TalkSchedule.
The 2024 Prof Iain Wilkinson Essay Prize is now open for submissions!
We are delighted to invite submissions from undergraduate medical students in UK Medical Schools for the 2024 Prof Iain Wilkinson Essay Prize. The prize is awarded in honour of Prof Iain Wilkinson, Professor of Magnetic Resonance Physics at the
University of Sheffield who died in 2020. Prof Wilkinson was a leading figure in UK clinical brain imaging research and a long-standing friend and associate member of the British Society of Neuroradiologists.
The title for the essay is: Should all neuroradiology examinations be reviewed by specialist neuroradiologists? How to manage the increasing neuroradiology reporting backlog when workload significantly outstrips the specialist reporting workforce.
The winner will receive a prize of £250 and the runner-up will receive £150. The winning essay will be published on the British Society of Neuroradiologists website.
Please see the dedicated page here for more details and how to submit.
The Academic Committee is pleased to support the British and Irish Chapter of the ISMRM, and they have an excellent lecture series of interest to Neuroradiologists. You can see the full calendar at the link here:
The upcoming lecture is “Physically-primed deep-neural networks for quantitative MRI analysis” by Moti Freiman from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, at 10am London UK time on Friday 2nd February 2024 – see more information and register here.
Any student, researcher or radiographer are welcome to join. Feel free to forward the link to any colleagues who would be interested, and encourage them to sign up to the BIC-ISMRM mailing list (link to sign up: so that they will receive emails in the future.
The BSNR Annual Meeting in 2024 is being held in Bristol, and the event website and registration are now open!
To find out more, visit
We look forward to seeing you there!
13th December, 6pm GMT
Dear friends and colleagues,
As you know, Christmas is now a handful of weeks away and if Christmas is not far behind, nor is the BSNR Christmas lecture. This year we are lucky to have internationally renowned educationist Prof Sugata Mitra talking to us about “The Future of Learning”.
As Neuroradiologists, we pride ourselves not only as doctors but also as trainers and educators. In fact, teaching is often one of the most enjoyable aspects of our work. However, the nature of education itself has been changing rapidly. Technology is advancing at an astonishing pace, throwing up both opportunities and challenges to educators around the world. Prof Mitra is one of the world-leading pioneers of innovative learning through his ground-breaking “hole-in-the-wall” experiments. He is therefore ideally placed to take us on a journey through these rapid and sometimes bewildering changes and hold a looking glass into the future of learning. See the Event Page for a brief resume and a synopsis of his talk. If you are interested, please check out Prof Mitra’s page on Wikipedia for more details.
Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday the 13th of December at 6pm on Zoom to enjoy this year’s BSNR Christmas Lecture.
Best wishes
Dipayan Mitra
BSNR President
We are pleased to announce the BSNR 2023 Award Winners; the standard of posters and presentations was extremely high and we thank everyone who presented their work.
The Burrows Prize for Best Platform Presentation was awarded to Rozanna Meijboom from the University of Edinburgh for her presentation “Neurodegeneration may occur without evidence of clinical or neuroinflammatory relapse in recently diagnosed relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis“.
The Best Poster Prize was awarded to Dr Hannah Holmes from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals for her poster entitled “Evaluation of the presence of punctate white matter lesions in a healthy volunteer neonatal population“.
Our thanks to the Academic Subcommittee for adjudicating the prizes, and our congratulations to the winners!
Joint Statement on Sexual Harassment and Assault
The BSNR and UKNG are committed to being inclusive, supportive organisations for all Members and condemn all forms of sexual discrimination, harassment, and assault. The recent report published by the Working Party on Sexual Misconduct in Surgery highlights the fact that sexual harassment including physical assault in the workplace remains a significant issue in healthcare. These appalling behaviours and experiences are not confined to surgery alone and we recognise that some of our members may have been, or might be affected.
There is no place for harassment in any form at work, or in Specialty Interest Groups (SIGs) and we must all play a role in building an informed, zero-tolerance culture. Every one of us has a duty to maintain personal professional standards, to support our co-workers and to recognise and report incidents when they occur. The BSNR and UKNG will work with the RCR and wider NHS to address the cultural and structural factors which facilitate this unacceptable behaviour, in order to provide a safe environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
To underpin this statement, both SIGs will support the RCR in delivering the commitments outlined in the healthcare charter (
Rob Lenthall
UKNG Chair
Dipayan Mitra
BSNR President